Return to Roots - Mapping Contest

Create a brand new Zombie Escape map that avoids using overused and stale mechanics.
Create a unique experience on the Source2 engine that focuses on the Human vs Zombie gameplay.
This means be creative with your maps, themes, and ideas!
Don't just make a boring greymap or item spam map.
Use the power of the Source2 engine and push ZE to it's limits!

Communities sponsoring this contest

Peak gameplay

Gameplay is priority

Build a map that engages both the Human team and the Zombie team, let them both have fun throughout the entirety of the map! Allow for skillful Zombie gameplay and interesting Human tactics!

It's about how you use it

Size doesn't always matter

Focus on making more enjoyable experiences that push the boundaries, rather than longer sloggish maps. This also includes file-size optimizations! Unecessary bloat in your maps will hurt your final score!

Mako Reactor and it's consequences have been a disaster for Zombie Escape

Avoid stale and overdone mechanics

Innovate, make your own! We don't need the 100th cheap item spam map with bosses and lasers. Create interesting gimmicks and ways to play!

The perfect trolling device

Get creative

Drivable cars? Sure! Chaos? Why not! The map can be tryhard or casual, what matters is that players have fun!


A_E_S_T_H_E_T_I_Cs matter

Use the power of the Source2 engine to create a totally unique and never seen before environment. Use the power of meshes and make something awesome!

2014 engine btw

Source2 is here

Push the mesh and detailing limits if you so wish. A handcrafted environment is much more appealing than a lazy import from a game! We need all the cool lighting too!

Rules of the contest

These are an outline of the requirements each map must follow for entering this contest. Breakage of a rule could result in a disqualification.

Maps must contain the contest banner

See below for a preview and download of the banner

Maps must not use external plugins

With the exception of Custom Mapping Features outlined by CS2Fixes. Maps should not contain SteamID based gameplay advantages or Lua.

Maps must be stable

To the best extent possible, no crashes or serious gameplay issues must be present by the end of the secondary (bug fixing) deadline.

Maps must not require additional configs to run

This mostly applies to Stripper, maps must be in their complete form on the Steam Workshop

You cannot use existing maps

The map must be new and never before seen in ZE. Porting/Reusing old maps is forbidden. "Mash-up" maps are allowed however may affect your final score for originality.

Maps must be published on the Steam Workshop

Submissions must be publicly posted on the Steam Workshop, and specified it was made for the contest, available to all servers

Team submissions are allowed

You must decide yourself how (if any) winnings are distributed amongst your team

Multiple submissions are allowed

Multiple submission are permitted, however if multiple maps win prizes, you may only recieve one reward (that of the highest value)


We asked current Zombie Escape communities to help donate towards this prize pool, as mentioned above.

Prizes will be paid via PayPal, so please ensure you are able to recieve money through PayPal for this contest.

  • 1st Place 🥇

  • 2nd Place 🥈

  • 3rd Place 🥉

  • Most Innovative Runner Up

  • Most Technically Impressive Runner Up

  • Best Aesthetics Runner Up



The contest will conclude on September 30th 2025 at 23:59 UTC.

We will have a submission deadline date of August 31st 2025 at 23:59 UTC. This means that you should have a working map by this time, the remaining month should be spent on polishing and testing.

Maps must be uploaded and approved on the Steam Workshop by these dates and times.

Additional questions and queries about the contest can go to our Discord.

Contest Banner

This banner should be placed in the map somewhere visible to players. Recommended to be placed in spawn.
You will need to use the Material Editor to create a usable texture yourself.
You may also create your own contest banner, but it must include the same information and sponsor logos.